Who we are

The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business (HP-GSB) was established in 2010 and operates under the Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). Its name patron, the late Harold Pupkewitz, was a highly respected leader and businessman who earned unanimous local and international recognition.

The Graduate School offers Postgraduate Academic Programmes, Executive Development Programmes, Short Courses, and further undertakes business consultation services for industry. In addition, the HP-GSB experts can analyse an organisation’s needs and design a tailor-made programme, and in-company programmes to enhance employee capacity.

"Shaping Business Through Sustainable Business Practices and Solutions"

With a full suite of programmes to offer, the HP-GSB aims to establish itself as a pioneer in the provision of management and leadership programmes within Namibia and Southern Africa. The school is determined to become a nationally responsive entity that promotes global excellence in the field of management, leadership, and skills development.

The HP-GSB has continued to innovate and reinvent its operations by creating value-creation through strategic mergers and partnerships such as the merger with the Centre for Enterprise Development (CED). This strategic initiative is an opportunity-driven initiative that aims to complement the formal offerings of the school. Ultimately, the idea is to enable a programme of value-based leadership that will allow for continued excellence in content delivery and research output.

Our administration and academic faculty comprises of highly qualified staff with most of our academics holding PhDs. The HP-GSB is situated at the NUST's Lower Campus.

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Core Values

We keep our commitments.
Our Vision

A premier business school for management excellence, organisational leadership, and entrepreneurship for sustainable development.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to excellence in management education, training, entrepreneurship development, knowledge creation and application, thought leadership and constructive stakeholder engagement.

Welcome to NUST

Talk to HP-GSB

Private Bag 13388, Windhoek, Namibia
A: No 13, Jackson Kaujeua Street, Windhoek West, Windhoek, Namibia
P: +264-61-207-2038
F: +264-61-207-9038

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